Previous Events
Song of the Labyrinth

On 22 Sept 2006, several hundred people attended the opening ceremony for the Christ Church Cathedral Labyrinth. They also came to hear the One Voice Harmonic Choir together with special guests perform a beautiful assortment of Sacred World Music from both the western and eastern traditions. After a blessing of the new labyrinth and an introduction by its designer, José Cuesta, the labryinth was ceremonially unvieled to the waiting audience, who then enjoyed walking it for the next two and a half hours.
The One Voice Harmonic Choir and members of the MantraVani Orchestra, accompanied by guest vocalists and an organist playing the church's magnificent pipe organ, created the ideal sonic environment for a walking meditation. It was a delight both to walk the labyrinth and to see others do so. To each was granted a unique experience and everybody walked it in a their own way.
Photographs from the event are can be seen at the Song of the Labyrinth page. Also, pre-event photographs showing the labyrinth are available on the Cathedral Labyrinth page.
Chanting in the Round 2006

More than 200 people filled the sacred space at Trinity – St. Mark's church on the evening of June 17th for Chanting in the Round 2006. Jerry DesVoignes and the MantraVani Orchestra led the audience on a wonderful adventure through many different musical traditions. Jerry was accompanied by David MacVittie (guitar, bazooki, flute, vocals), Elio Rota (keyboards, cittern, accordian, vocals), Sandra Dawn (vocals), Steve Lazin (percussion), and Tim Fanning (celtic pipes, flute). Together they delivered nearly three hours of music and song, at times blissful and serene, then ranging to moments of such high energy it was impossible to not feel like dancing.
Here are links to several video clips shot during the performance. The first one is of the entrance song Spirit of the Wind.
Spirit of the Wind |
More photographs from Chanting in the Round 2006 are available on a separate page. Chanting in the Round 2006 was sponsored by Banyen Books.
Christmas in the Round 2005

Christmas in the Round 2005 took place on December 18th 2005 in Trinity – St. Mark's Church and was attended by nearly 300 people. The event sold out and unfortunately people had to be turned away at the door, so if you'd like to attend the Solstice in the Round event on June 17th be sure to get your ticket well in advance.
The photo above was taken during the performace and shows the Mantravani Orchestra stationed around the central altar and surrounded by the audience.
The photos below show details of the altar. These pictures were taken while people were arriving for the event.
A few short movies were shot during the performance. The first movie is of Jerry and the orchestra entering into the church. The other two movies were taken during two particularly wonderful moments during the evening.
Chanting in the Round 2002

Photograph from Chanting in the Round, June 2002. The audiance and musicians are gathered together in the lovely setting of Trinity – St. Mark's Church.