Sound & Song Samples


The sounds, songs and chant samples on this page were created to express the variety of vocal sounds, techniques and quality of voice in the singing of sacred multicultural music including some contemporary styles and improvisation. Jerry offers many examples of these in various categories.

These samples are sweet, powerful and heart-opening and often based on vibrational healing. Some are expressing love, passion, humour, sentiment and mystery, all of which are qualities of the human voice. The vibrational quality of certain sounds can bring about clarity, intuition, and a deeper understanding of our relationship to ourselves, the universe and the human condition. Harmonics or Overtones are natural to our voice.

Popular or comtemporary songs can bring about a myriad of feelings and emotions such as joy and upliftment, the more ancient sounds and chants are often sung for long periods of time through repetition of phrases or long pure tones and are intended to create a state of tranquility, joy and union within your whole being.

Overtone and Throat Singing


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Native American

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Sacred Chant

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Elio & Jerry

The tracks in this section are sample compositions for film and stage productions, composed, performed, produced and recorded by Elio Rota. Jerry DesVoignes appears as a guest vocalist.

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For more information on Elio's work, please visit his web site at