Diana, Our Queen of Hearts

Tribute to Princess Diana

Together with millions of others, I had always loved and admired Princess Diana for her beauty, devotion to family, courage and humanity. This song appeared to me the morning after the accident. It began as a melody and through a week of intense emotion and inspiration, this song was completed on the evening of her funeral at Westminster Abbey. — Jerry DesVoignes

Composed in 1997 by Jerry DesVoignes — Jerry DesVoignes (vocals), Elio Rota (keyboard), and Nick Apivor (percussion), Mike Hurst (piano arrangement & harmonica), and the Vancouver Bach Youth Choir (Anna Magdelenna). Other vocalists include Leora Cashe, Candus Churchhill, Joe Chappel and Will Sanders. Readings by Mellissa Lowe and Hamish Tildesley. Original tracks recorded by Olav Rixen. Choir recorded live at St. Andrew's Wesley Church in Vancouver. CD mastered and mixed by Rick Kilburn at XNTRIK studio. CD cover by Don Xaliman.

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(You’re now in the arms of love)
DIANA, Our Queen of Hearts
You live within our memories
You taught us all to rise above it all
And laugh again

Diana, Our Queen of Hearts
Your song is gods own melody
Whose smile filled our hearts with love
And showed the world a friend

Diana, Our Queen of Hearts
Compassion is your legacy
Shown through your eyes
How love defines our commonality

We are all children of one family
and love you as a friend
A living gift you gave humanity
Whose trials you’d transcend

We are the bearers of the lanterns
Now your light shall never end…

Where ever you are tonight
Your love will be shinning bright
Like stars in the billions my angel friend

Whenever I think of you
I know that God's holding you
As you embraced millions
You’re now in the arms of love

The worlds awakened to your charity
Your courage and the dignity 
You gave to those whose voice we could not hear

Your vision of selfless humanity
The essence of Nobility
Oh Fragrant Heart
The world has now become your garden.
Words and music copyrighted by Jerry DesVoignes, 1997 (registered at SOCAN)
Sheet music (PDF, 2.0 megabytes)

Several letters were received in response to Jerry sending a copy of Diana, Our Queen of Hearts to the Royal Family and Prime Minister Tony Blair. Here are copies of these letters for your viewing:

Buckingham Palace
Prime Minister
Prince of Wales

Click on one of the thumbnails above to see a larger version

Other Diana tributes

Diana, Our Queen of Hearts is also available as a tribute on the web page princessdianaremembered.com/diana_our_qoh.html, (be sure to scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the video). This page is part of a beautiful web site, princessdianaremembered.com, dedicated to Diana.